Prep Work #1 / Confirm Registration - Swirl and base R

The registration form reserves your spot for two weeks. You must complete this assignment or your spot may be forfeited to someone on the waiting list. Afterwards, an additional 4-8 hours of work will be assigned each month leading up to the workshop (e.g. R and Unix tutorials, readings, software installation).

  1. Follow instructions at Swirl Stats
    • Install R (must be version 3.4.3 or higher)
    • Install RStudio (must be version 1.1.423 or higher)
    • Install swirl

      install.packages( "swirl" )
    • Start swirl

      library( "swirl" )
  2. Once in Swirl, install “R Programming: The basics of programming in R”
  3. Do lessons 1: “Basic Building Blocks” through 15: “Base Graphics”
  4. Submit a screenshot of your final plot hist( mtcars$mpg ) to